Jodha akbar serial cast name
Jodha akbar serial cast name

jodha akbar serial cast name

Parag Tyagi is married to ShafaliJariwala they got married in 2014. he is currently 44years and would be 45 in november 2020. Parag Tyagi was born onthe 27th of november 1975. Chetan Hanraj wasborn on the 15th of June 1972 he is currently 48 years in 2020he is married to Lavinia Pereira they got married in 2004. Jodha akbar'scharacter Adham Khan's real name is Chetan Hanraj. she is married to Warnidthe next on my list is Adham Khan the zee tv series The next on my listis Salima sultan begum Salima of Jodha akbar's real name isManisha Yadav Manisha Yadav was bornon the 3rd of November 1992 she is currently 27 years and would be28 in November 2020.

jodha akbar serial cast name

Maham Anga.Maham's name is Ashwini Kalsekar Ashwini Kaselkar was born on the 22nd ofJanuary 1970 she is currently 50 years in 2020.Ashwini Kalsekar is married to Murli Sharmathey got married in 2009. Heena Parmar was sometime rumored to be datingRavi Bhatia that is Salim of jodha akbar but it can't be true as Ravi is a marriedman the next is Maham. Heena Parmar was born onthe 3rd of April 1990 she is currently 30 yearsin 2020.

jodha akbar serial cast name

he is currently 31 years and would be 32 innovember 2020 jodha akbar drama cast real namesĪs to his real life partner jodha akbarsalim's real wife is Yulida Bhatia they got married in 2016.the next on my list is Anarkali jodha akbar series character Anarkali's real name is Heena Parmar.

jodha akbar serial cast name

ToJay Vyas but it appears they are just good friendsand not dating the next on my list is Salim Jodha akbar characterSalim's real name is Ravi Bhatia Ravi Bhatia was born on the 30th ofNovember 1988. jodha akba Ruqaiya's real name is Lavina Tandon.Lavina Tandon was born on the 14th of may 1991.she is currently 29 years in 2020 as to Lavina Tando that is Ruqaiya'srelationship she is currently very close jodha akbar cast salim real nameĪs you can see jodha is not akba's reallife wife the next on my list isRuqaiya. Rajat Tokas was born onthe 19th of July 1991 he is currently 29 years old in 2020.Akbar or Rajat Toka's real life partner is Shrishti Nayyar they got married in2015. the next on my list is Akba AKbaR's realname is Rajat Tokas. she is currently 33 years in 2020 jodhaor Paridhi Sharma's real life partner is not Akbar she is actually married toTanmay Saxena Paridhi Sharma was born on the 15thof may 1987. Jodha akbar so if you'd like to know the real namesof jodha akbar characters their real age and your real lifepartner you need to hang on and see this video to the end and ifthis is your first time coming across my channelplease hit the jodha akbar all actors real nameĪnd the notification bellthank you the first is jodha jodha's name isParidhi Sharma. Hey guys welcome back to my channel inthis video i'm going to be telling you aboutjodha and akbar cast in real life i'm going to be telling you their realnames their age and their real life partnersZee world series Jodha and Akbar is the same asZee tv Africa serial

Jodha akbar serial cast name