Lego rock raiders remake
Lego rock raiders remake

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Grains per gallon is the industry-standard way to discuss water hardness. Depending on where a water test is performed this information will be reported in mg/L (milligrams per Litre) or GPG (grains per gallon). This is the measure of how much calcium and magnesium is dissolved in your water. Daily softening requirement is calculated using your water hardness info and your water consumption. This is simply a measure of how much hardness your softener will have to remove daily. The first step in properly sizing your softener is to calculate your "daily softening requirement". Properly sizing a water softener is all about matching your specific water quality and water use to a sufficiently sized system that will minimize salt use and maximize soft water capacity. Over the life span of the water softener, this translates to significant cost savings and ease of ownership. Sizing a softener and considering its salt efficiency will ensure you purchase a softener that never runs out of soft water but also uses the least amount of salt as possible. The efficiency of your water softener dictates how much salt you have to buy, how much salt you have to lug, and how much salt gets discharged to the environment. If you haven't done so already, we suggest you read the linked article that describes salt efficiency in full detail: Understanding True Water Softener Capacity Why Should I Care About Efficiency?

lego rock raiders remake

Why does this happen? It is simply that many dealers - both online and in-store - do not understand the concept of softener salt efficiency and do not incorporate it into their sizing model. The result is often a choice of softener that seems properly sized yet results in massive salt consumption (often more than 2000 pounds per year) instead of a correctly sized, efficient model that uses 300 pounds over the same year. Unfortunately the vast majority of these tools fail to incorporate water softener efficiency into the calculation. All across the internet one can find water softener sizing tools that are designed to help consumers pick the right sized softener.

Lego rock raiders remake